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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Brazilian Deforestation Hydrosphere Effects. jkm, BRAZILIAN DEFORESTATION Causes difficulties for farmers Farmers will not have a ready source of water for irrigation when the land dries.(f), BRAZILIAN DEFORESTATION Leads to Less water after time makes it to the atmosphere., Bodies of water become willed with sediment and silt. (g) C Clogs waterways. and less nutrients carried in the water., Less precipation. Causes Less plant growth., NO3 concentraitons are higher in forest fed streams so deforestation dimishes the amountof NO3 being carried to enrich the soil. (e) Contributes to Clogs waterways. and less nutrients carried in the water., BRAZILIAN DEFORESTATION Causes Moist forest soils dry out without protection from sun=clocking tree cover. (a), Less water after time makes it to the atmosphere. Causes Less precipation., Perpetuates the water cycle by returning water vapor back into the atmosphere. (b) Contributes to Water vapor, which is a greenhouse gas, levels increase in the atmosphere. (c), BRAZILIAN DEFORESTATION Leads to Once an area has been cleared, lots of rainfall reaches the ground. This washes the nutrients out of the soil and makes it less fertile. (I) The Earth's largest watershed is threatened., Perpetuates the water cycle by returning water vapor back into the atmosphere. (b) Perpetuates GLOBAL WARMING, Without trees the forest alands can quickly become barren deserts. (d) ???? ????, Moist forest soils dry out without protection from sun=clocking tree cover. (a) Leads to Perpetuates the water cycle by returning water vapor back into the atmosphere. (b), BRAZILIAN DEFORESTATION Causes difficulties for farmers NO3 concentraitons are higher in forest fed streams so deforestation dimishes the amountof NO3 being carried to enrich the soil. (e), Moist forest soils dry out without protection from sun=clocking tree cover. (a) Diminishes Farmers will not have a ready source of water for irrigation when the land dries.(f), Perpetuates the water cycle by returning water vapor back into the atmosphere. (b) Contributes to Without trees the forest alands can quickly become barren deserts. (d), Farmers will not have a ready source of water for irrigation when the land dries.(f) ???? ????, Once an area has been cleared, lots of rainfall reaches the ground. This washes the nutrients out of the soil and makes it less fertile. (I) The Earth's largest watershed is threatened. Casues Bodies of water become willed with sediment and silt. (g)